Start running Rest API on your local without writing any code

Learn how to start a demo Rest API on a JSON Server

Start running Rest API on your local without writing any code

Below tutorial will show how to start a demo Rest API on a JSON Server without writing a single piece of code. It will also show how you can test the API using Rest-Assured.


1. Download Node.js on your machine. (

2. Install Node.js

3. Open Command Prompt and check that npm and node is installed

     node -v
     npm -v

4. Install JSON Server

npm install -g json-server

5. Create a db.json file with some data

6. Start JSON Server

json-server --watch db.json

7. Open http://localhost:3000/posts in any browser to view JSON response

8. Write the following code to test a POST request on the demo Rest API running on the localhost.

9. Again open the URL(https://localhost:3000/posts) and notice that a new post is added to the api.


Bijan Patel
Full Stack Test Automation Expert | Selenium Framework Developer | Certified Tosca Automation Specialist | Postman | DevOps | AWS | IC Agile Certified | Trainer | Youtuber | Blogger|

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